MyFace Wiki

HOORAY!!!!!!! The 'Kidlympics are now an official tournament! Me and Peyton are on a swinging team together, and


Go Green Geckos!!

we've been practicing all week! WE ARE GOING TO CRUSH OUR COMPETITION!!! I am like soooooo excited that my new game is going to ACTUALLY happen! Its date is supposed to me November 1st or 2nd, but either


The Kidlympic Rings

way I'm excited! There will be competion from Mrs. Tuck's homeroom, Ms. Piercy's homeroom, and Mason and Slayten's homeroom. I don't know exactly how many rounds of gameplay there will be, but I know there will be running, football, swinging (of course), and baseball...YAY! Root for me and Peytini please?!
